office.selam.fyi [this site]
My oldest site, formerly known as selamawit.com has morphed from being a simple static HTML/CSS page to a full blog and in the future to a static portfolio website in primarily JavaScript. Formerly hosted on infinityfree.net and designed using WordPress. A timeline of technical evolution can be seen below:
2016-2019: HTML/CSS with jQuery on InfinityFree
2020-2021: WordPress on InfinityFree
2021-Present: WordPress on Google Cloud
selam.fyi [my blog]
As my main site grew to encompass my entire online presence, I realized that I wanted to do more with the blogging portion while also keeping it separate (and safe) from everything else. I toyed around with the naming for a bit, and then I thought about the evolution of changes I’ve made and want to document in all areas, and thus selam.fyi (formerly theevolutionary.one) was born!
On my blog I write about everything, from tech to career to lifestyle to travel to just random opinions I have. I also create some content for these posts.
After migrating my old blog using UpdraftPlus’s migration tool, it was much easier to keep my writing and content creation separate (and safe) from my development efforts. It is still hosted on Google Cloud though!
howmanylocs.info [a project]
After getting loced in Spring 2019, I learned about so many different types of locs that I wish I would have considered before getting Sisterlocks! While plenty of resources exist from amazing creators on their journeys, there hasn’t been a resource where people can find specific types of locs and their progression. The aim of this project is to change that and centralize content that shows what locs look like with different configurations.
With all the different factors that affect locs, this site allows for filtering based on a number of criteria, including: hair density, loc count, retwist method, starting method, and whether locs are DIYed or professionally maintained. I hope that this not only elevates black creators, but also shows the diversity and beauty of all types of locs!